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Test Runs

A Test Run is the execution of one or more Test Cases within a Test Plan. It allows you to validate whether your application behaves as expected across different environments, browsers, and configurations.

In Qualiti, Test Runs can be executed manually, on a schedule, or via integrations with your CI/CD pipeline.

Accessing Test Runs

To view the list of your recent Test Runs:

  1. Navigate to the Test Runs section from the sidebar.
  2. Here, you will see a list of all the test runs that have been executed, along with the following details:
    • Date: The date and time when the Test Run was executed.
    • Test Plan/Run: The name of the Test Plan or Run associated with the Test Run.
    • Tests: The number of tests executed in the Test Run.
    • Executed by: The user who initiated the Test Run.
    • Environment: The environment in which the Test Run was executed (e.g., Staging, Production).
    • Browser: The browser on which the tests were executed (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
    • Duration: The time it took to execute the Test Run.
    • Status: The current status of the Test Run (e.g., Complete, In Progress).

Creating a New Test Run

To create a new Test Run manually:

  1. Click the Create test run button located at the top of the Test Runs page.
  2. Enter a Run name.
  3. Choose the environment, browser, and credentials for the run.
  4. Click Add to initiate the Test Run.
  5. Browse or search for the Test Cases you want to include. -You can filter the Test Cases by folders, tags, environment, or other criteria to make selection easier.
  6. Select the checkbox next to each Test Case you want to include.
  7. After selecting the desired Test Cases, click on the Save & Run button at the top of the page.

Viewing a Test Run

When clicking into a specific Test Run from the Test Runs page, you will be directed to the detailed view of that run. This page provides in-depth information about the execution of individual test cases within the Test Run. Below is an overview of the key elements and actions you can perform on this page:

Key Elements

  1. Test Plan/Run Name and Status:

    • At the top, you will see the name of the Test Plan or Run along with its status (e.g., Complete, In Progress).
    • Basic information such as the build, environment, browser, and credentials used for the run are displayed on the right side.
  2. Test Case Results:

    • Each individual Test Case within the Test Plan is listed, showing its result (e.g., Passed, Failed, Qualiti Review).
    • Next to each test, you will see the result and a brief description of what went wrong in case of failures, such as Failed On Action or Failed Assertion.
  3. Run Report:

This report summarizes the overall execution of the Test Run, including pass/fail rates and detailed logs for each test case.

  1. Test Cases:

The Test Cases tab allows you to view and manage the list of all test cases included in this particular run.

Actions Available

  1. Traces Button:

    • For each test case, there is a Traces button that provides deeper insights into the execution of the test.
    • Clicking the Traces button opens the Trace Viewer where you can:
      • View Live DOM Snapshots: See the exact state of the DOM at various points during the test execution.
      • View Network Logs: Review network requests and responses to help identify issues related to API calls or page loads.
      • Debugging: Use the trace logs to debug failed test cases by inspecting individual actions or assertions.
  2. Clone Run:

    • The Clone Run button allows you to quickly duplicate this test run. This is useful if you want to re-run the same tests with the same configuration without setting it up again.
  3. Convert to Plan: The Convert to Plan button allows you to turn the results of this run into a Test Plan. This is helpful if you want to turn a one-time test run into a reusable Test Plan for future executions.

Test Case Statuses

Each test case can have the following statuses:

  • Passed: The test case executed successfully without any issues.
  • Failed: The test case encountered an issue. A detailed error message is provided to help diagnose the problem.
  • Qualiti Review: These are cases flagged for review by the Qualti team to further investigate any issues.
  • Needs Review: This status indicates something went wrong on the customer’s side, such as invalid credentials or their test environment being down.

By analyzing the results on this page, you can identify which tests need attention and quickly dive into the details for troubleshooting and debugging.