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Login Steps

Login Steps allow you to define the necessary steps to complete your login flow. These steps should ensure the test user is correctly logged in and the application is ready. Your login steps may look something like this:

  1. Type {{ username }} into the username textbox
  2. Type {{ password }} into the password textbox
  3. Click the "Login" button
  4. Assertion: the user dashboard is displayed

For more information on the {{ variable }} syntax, refer to the Variables section.

In order to correctly recognize when a login operation fails and to provide a stable foundation for all of your tests, we strongly recommend that your Login Steps end with an Assertion Step which only succeeds if the login operation succeeded. If your last login step is just to click the "Login" button, your tests may find themselves starting on the login page with an error saying "Unable to log in"!

  • Action steps are used to interact with the web page under test. They simulate user interactions like clicking buttons, typing text, navigating to URLs, etc. Action steps' code can be auto-magically generated and self-repaired.
  • Assertion steps are used to verify that the state of the web page matches your expectations, and are used to recognize bugs. They check conditions such as element visibility, text content, attribute values, etc. Assertion steps never generate code or attempt to self-repair.

Defining Login Steps

Login Steps are defined the same way as regular test case steps. See the Test Cases section for more information.

Just like regular test case steps, Login Steps have access to core Qualiti features such as:

  • Generating code from just an English description
  • Self-repairing code (if not an assertion)
  • Using AI to evaluate no-code assertions
  • Using project Variables

This means the example Login Steps shown above may auto-magically work for your application! If not, you can easily adjust them to fit your application. Be sure to read the Test Case Steps section to best understand how to write your Login Steps.

Add Login Steps

  1. Click on User Profiles
  2. Click on the Components tab
  3. Click on the Project Logins tab
  4. Click Create Steps
  5. Fill out the necessary login steps
  6. Click on the Save button to save your changes

Login Steps

What's Next?

Now that you've stored your Project Logins, Qualiti can securely access the project and run tests accordingly!