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What is a Test Plan?

A Test Plan is a collection of one or more Test Folders that is configured for test execution. With Test Plans, you can group relevant tests and make triggers for them. You can execute Test Plans whenever and as many times as you need.

Qualiti provides you with the status of your Test Plans and Test Cases, but also provides more context than just Passed or Failed. Bucketing your tests and results into more granular categories and reasons will help you know where to focus your efforts and see why things failed at a high level.


Test Plans come with a report of Test Case results, and you can dive into each one for more details.

Add New Plan​


We recommend tagging Test Cases and creating Test Folders first. This way, when your Test Cases are well-organized, it's much easier to create your Test Plans.

  1. On the Test Plans Page, click Create test plan
  2. Name your Test Plan
  3. Enter a brief description
  4. Enter the Build
  5. Select the Credentials you want the Plan to run on
  6. Select the Environment you want the plan to run against
  7. Select the Browsers
  8. Set a trigger for your Plan
    • If configuring a scheduled trigger, we recommend setting it to no more than once every 24 hours.
    • Example: Days at "Every Day," Hours at "12" (UTC). This is equivalent to 0 12 * * * in Cron format.
  9. Click Add to save your plan

You can run your tests in CI. See Integrations for more information

Selecting Tests from the Test Library​

To select the relevant tests for your Test Plan, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the newly created plan
  2. Click Select tests
  3. Browse or search for the Test Cases you want to include. -You can filter the Test Cases by folders, tags, environment, or other criteria to make selection easier.
  4. Select the checkbox next to each Test Case you want to include.
  5. After selecting the desired Test Cases, click on the Save tests button at the top of the page.

Make sure your Test Library is well-organized with properly tagged Test Cases to streamline the selection process.

Run a Test Plan​

Test plans can be executed in multiple ways: manually, scheduled, or with CI/CD Integration.


Each Test Plan has a Run Now button. Simply click it to start a Test Run!

On a Schedule​

You can add one or more Scheduled Triggers to a Test Plan. Scheduled Triggers are cron expressions and are run in UTC time.

Configure the minutes, hours, days, and months, save, and your Test Plan will be executed on that schedule!

Edit a Test Plan​

There are multiple things you can edit in a Test Plan, such as:

  • Plan Name
  • Environments
  • Browsers
  • Credentials
  • Triggers

Editing the above values is the same as adding them, so refer to the Add New Plan section for more info. However, you can disable and delete Test Plans as well. The rest of this section covers how.

Enable and Disable​

  • Test Plans are enabled by default and can be executed manually or by your scheduled trigger.
  • Disabling a Test Plan means it will no longer be executed by any of your triggers.

Delete a Test Plan​

If you no longer need a Test Plan, you can delete it:

  1. Click on the Test Plan name
  2. Click Delete next to the Test Plan details
  3. From the confirmation modal, clickΒ Delete

Deleting a Test Plan is permanent and cannot be undone

Run History​

The Run History tab in a Test Plan allows you to view a log of all test executions tied to that plan. You can see detailed information such as:

  • Date: The date and time when the Test Run was executed.
  • Executed by: The user who initiated the Test Run.
  • Environment: The environment in which the Test Run was executed (e.g., Staging, Production).
  • Tests: The number of tests executed in the Test Run.
  • Browser: The browser on which the tests were executed (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
  • Duration: The time it took to execute the Test Run.
  • Status: The current status of the Test Run (e.g., Complete, In Progress).

This allows you to track how the plan has performed over time and identify any trends or recurring issues.

View All Test Cases​

The Test Cases tab shows a list of all test cases associated with the Test Plan. You can:

  • Add or remove test cases directly from this tab
  • Review the status of each test case
  • Check if any test case has been updated since the last run